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Next PlastiCircle general assembly set for Valencia

28 March 2019

PlastiCircle will mark the start of its first pilot initiative in Valencia with a general assembly meeting on 27-29 May 2019

The PlastiCircle consortium will meet again in late May 2019, shortly after the start of the project’s first pilot in Valencia’s San Marcelino district.

As with other general assembly meetings, the project team - in addition to the innovation committee and advisory board – will meet over two days of intense discussions and preparations for the next steps of the project.

But this time, the general assembly will also see firsthand what PlastiCircle partners have started in San Marcelino – here project innovations such as smart containers, citizen sorting incentives and optimised waste transport are being deployed from early May.

The visit to the San Marcelino pilot district will take place on 27 May, with official consortium meetings taking place on 28 and 29 May.

PlastiCircle will release regular updates on the website and via Twitter @circ_economy